Friday, April 12, 2013

When or When Not to i-Teach

I have become quite skeptical about integrating technology within an English High School classroom. Being more than 60% through the semester, my Curriculum classes: READ 411, CURR 314 and 316 have covered many topics, one being how to use technology in a classroom setting. My question is: When do we do so? Is it during every lesson, every Unit, or just every time we feel comfortable with or feel that it is appropriate? As a teacher, I do not want to abuse, misuse, or under-use the use of technology in my classroom. In my opinion and from what I've seen in observing English classrooms, it all depends on appropriateness. For example, every lesson does not always have to integrate a technological tool because students will then lose focus on the lesson. If the thirty minute lesson is mainly about discussing the beginning of the unit and reading passages from a novel, there is no need for a TV, computer or other forms of technology. Unless accommodations need to be made for certain students, then Audiobooks and e-books would be appropriate. Once again, I think it all depends on whether or not the teacher sees it appropriate when creating the lesson plan.

Students just need to get comfortable using computers and other forms of technology for educational purposes and that will be one of my challenges as a teacher as well as one of my goals. I know my students will be using computers or other forms of technology outside the classroom setting but are they using it for educational purposes or just solely for entertainment? I want to encourage my students to use these technologies outside the classroom setting for educational purposes such as classroom and homework projects, activities, collaborative work such as blogs and research. Here is my question to my fellow bloggers: what do you think? When should it be appropriate for teachers to integrate technology? I would love to hear your opinions.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up a valid point about the appropriateness of when to use technology. On my own blog I wrote about how teachers often abuse technology for the sake of integrating technology. As teachers, we need to keep in mind whether the technology we use will actually benefit the students. Personally, I think that technology should only be used when the teacher has identified that it will benefit or increase student learning. Therefore, I would say to incorporate technology only when it is clear that it will be a helpful tool/aid for students' understanding.
